Tuesday, 11 November 2008


What do i mean by plan? According to Oxford dictionary, a plan is (1) a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something or (2) an intention or decision about what one is going to do. So, what is my plan for now and future?

Well, the plan for now and maybe two (2) more years to come is to finish my education and then seek for an employment that have a good pay. Only then, maybe or perhaps finish off what i have started previously which i fail to complete.

As for future, i still haven't really decided yet. Maybe in coming days, months or years i will know what i really want to do with my life. Just hope for the best!

P/S: The reason i write this post is because i find that most of my classmates has actually plan ahead of time what they gonna do in their life which i apparently still blur up to date. =/

~ Do not fear going forward slowly; fear only to stand still ~
- Chinese proverb quotes -

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