Itazura na Kiss tells the love story of Kotoko and Naoki from their days as high school students to their marriage. The story continues after the marriage as they continue to grow as a couple. The story starts with Kotoko finally building up the courage to confess to Naoki Irie by giving him a love letter but was rejected in front of everybody. After that humiliating moment, she decided to give up on her love for Naoki. That same day, the Aihara's newly-built home was destroyed during a mild earthquake due to poor construction. They ended up staying in the Irie household thus starting the development of their relationship.
This anime is exactly is the same as the Taiwan drama "It started with a kiss" ^_^
After an earthquake destroyed Xiang Qin's house, she and her father moved in with the family of her father's college buddy, Uncle Ah Li. To her surprise, the kind and amicable aunt and uncle are the parents of her cold and distant schoolmate Jiang Zhi Shu, a genius with an IQ of 200 whom not too long ago rejected her endless crush on him. Will the close proximity give her a second chance to win Zhi Shu's heart? Or, will her love for him end under his cold words? What happens when there is competition for his heart?